
NAFCO | The Function and Role of Brass Valves

NAFCO | The Function and Role of Brass Valves
From: NAFCO-China Brass Ball Valves Manufacturer
No matter how advanced modern science and technology, some of the traditional components in our lives and production or has an irreplaceable role, such as brass valves. In our daily life, water pipes, gas pipes, once without the control of the brass valves, we can imagine how much trouble will bring to our lives. It’s same in industrial production, radiator temperature control valves, thermostatic control valves, cannot be ignored. Let's get to know more about the Brass valves.

Brass valves are produced with the production of fluid pipes; the use of brass valves has been nearly 4,000 years of history. China in ancient times from salt wells in the absorption of brine salt, had used in the bamboo pipe in the plug valve. In 1800 BC, the ancient Egyptians in order to prevent the flood of the Nile and the construction of large-scale water conservancy is also used a similar wooden cork to control the distribution of water. These are the prototype of the Brass valves. A large number of industrial Brass valves applications, from the invention of the steam engine after the start. At the beginning of the twentieth century, cast steel, forged steel and forging structure of the brass valves.

There are many types of brass valves according to their functions:

(1) Safety valves: the role of safety valve is to prevent the pipe or device in the medium pressure exceeds the specified value, so as to achieve the purpose of security;
China brass safety valves
(2) Return valves: check valve, also known as one-way valve or check valve, its role is to prevent the pipeline in the medium back.
China brass swing check valves
(3) Shut-off valves: cut-off valve, also known as closed-circuit valve, including brass ball valve, brass gate valve, brass check valve, brass gas valve, brass angle valve, brass float valve, whose role is to turn on or shut off the medium in the pipeline.
China shut off brass ball valves
(4) Regulating valve: regulating valve, including regulating valve, throttle valve and pressure reducing valve, radiator valves, thermostatic radiator valves, whose role is to adjust the media, the valve, pressure, flow and other parameters.
China thermostatic radiator valves

Like many other key components, the role of brass valves is not to say irreplaceable, at least at this stage, it has a very big role, has brought great convenience to our life and production.
NAFCO is a quality supplier for China brass ball valvesbrass radiator valvesbrass gate valvesbrass angle valves, we supply kinds of brass valves and brass fittings with reliable and stable quality, you are welcome to inquiry with us at sales@acrofluid.com.



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