
NAFCO | China Brass Valve Costs Boost up

NAFCO | China Brass Valve Costs Boost up
Time:2017-08-28 From: NAFCO-China Brass Ball Valves Manufacturer
China brass valve costs are getting higher recently due to the rectification of environmental protection from government, under a principle of “reduce overcapacity, reduce inventory, and build eco-friendly society”

Many factories in overcapacity industries, such as steel, coal and building materials, have been closed to optimize industrial structures of China. Industries with heavy environmental pollutions are also rectified in the champagne, mainly covers thermal power stations, metallurgical operation, paper making, and textiles, most small factories are closed because they are no
t equipped with environmental protection and recycle systems, some factories are stopped to improve their environmental equipment.

brass material production, forging, electroplating for brass valve industry are mainly affected process, which have potential risks to pollute water and air during production. China Brass valves and brass fittings manufacturers are stopped to improve themselves.
Costs of China Brass Ball Valves
Copper price gragh from Shanghai Metal Market

These efforts and regulations from government directly lead to industrial production costs boot up:
1. The material costs increased significantly because of less supply capacity.
2. Product prices increased because of reduced production efficiency.
3. Production lead time becomes longer and costs get higher.
4. Labor costs increased due the inflation to economy.

There are some suggestions for global brass valve importers and distributors:
1. Place order early: the earlier ordering, the lower prices you get, because the material costs is keeping increasing.
2. Find bras
s valve suppliers with better prices: the big companies has good quality but the management costs are much higher than smaller ones, meanwhile the brass valve manufacturing level has been much improved for smaller factories, because the brass valve industry has been improved much and product quality is getting very close.

NAFCO is a professional China brass valves manufacturer of brass ball valvesbrass gate valvesbrass angle valvesbrass radiator valves, brass check valves and brass fittings, with over ten years brass valve exporter experiences, we have best scullions for you which optimize the balance between price and quality, you’re welcome to visit us at www.acrofluid.com or inquiry via mail@acrofluid.com
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